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Top Tips for Multifamily Property Owners Preparing for REAC Inspections


REAC inspections are important to ensure that HUD-assisted living and multifamily apartment communities are safe and up to code. These inspections play a crucial role in determining the overall safety, functionality, and quality of your property and units. The information below is designed to help owners and management teams that are preparing for REAC inspections. Here, you’ll learn what to expect during the inspections, and how to improve your property’s inspection results. Ensure you complete the items below and bookmark this page for the future, so you’re always ready to pass your next REAC inspection.


Complete Regular Maintenance Checks

The best way to get ready for your REAC inspection is to stay ahead of any potential issues that might arise. Without regular attention, a property can deteriorate and maintenance tasks can build up. Ask your management team to conduct regular maintenance checks throughout the year, to stay ready for an eventual REAC inspection. Review and make improvements to the following areas before your inspection takes place:

  • The building’s exterior.
  • All common areas.
  • All units.
  • All building systems.
  • Access to all areas.


Areas to Focus On

During REAC inspections, there are several areas that inspectors typically pay particular attention to. By focusing on these areas before the inspection, you can ensure your property is up-to-date and compliant.

Teams that are preparing for REAC inspections should tackle the following common inspection items:

  • Remove any trip hazards.
  • Resolve issues with ponding water in parking lots.
  • Fix any elevator control panel issues.
  • Ensure there are fire extinguishers in public and common areas.
  • Ensure there are working smoke detectors in all necessary locations.
  • Check the seals on all exterior doors.


Keep a Checklist, and Review it Quarterly

Training your management staff on the REAC checklist of items that need to be maintained, and ensuring management makes immediate repairs to life and safety deficiencies is critical. A management company that reviews the checklist several times a year and makes the necessary repairs as they arise is much more likely to pass the inspection. The last thing any owner wants is to be given notice that a REAC inspection has been scheduled and find a long list of items that need to be corrected in a short amount of time.


Work with a Consultant

Consider working with a professional consultant who is used to preparing for REAC inspections. A consultant can help you gain valuable insights into your property’s compliance and areas for improvement. REAC consulting firms will explain to ownership and management how the REAC inspection process works. They will explain the REAC scoring models and HUD rules and regulations on compliance. They will walk through your property and point out what items need to be fixed and the priority that needs to be placed on each item listed. Any life and safety repairs should be corrected first to ensure the safety of your residents and their visitors.


Learn More About REAC Inspections and HUD Loans

You can find more tips on preparing for REAC inspections with information from the HUD. Learn more about HUD loans and other options to finance and improve your property by scheduling a free consultation with LSG Lending Advisors today.

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